T & C

Retainer/Booking Fees.

Retainer/Booking fees are taken no matter what package or job we are completing, please see your personalized contract for more information. Retainer/Booking fees are non-refundable, and non-negotiable, and will be paid at the time of booking session. A Retainer/Booking fee is taken to ensure our exclusiveness for your shoot and is 25% of session price.


The full balance is payable no later than the day before the session date. Weddings are to be paid a month before the date of the wedding. Dates are reserved only when the booking fee is paid, by Invoice. All payments are to be paid through our Invoice system. THIS IS NON-NEGOTIABLE!! Store pricing is paid via Stripe.

Transportation Fees.

Travel charges only apply when the shoot or event is outside of a 30-mile radius of Springfield, MO. This is again, non-negotiable and must be paid upon the signing of the contract, as part of the 25% retainer/booking fee. Transportation Fees may vary depending on mileage prices.

Creative License.

Mystic Moments Photography, LLC shall be granted full creative and artistic license in relation to the choice of locations and poses used. Our judgment on the style and number of photographs taken shall be deemed correct. Due to changes in the weather and the availability and the willingness of the subjects, Mystic Moments Photography, LLC vow to do our best to honor requested photographs but does not undertake to guarantee any specific picture, location or group arrangement. In the event of insufficient time being allowed: e.g., owing to a late start or by not following any suggested time allowances, the client accepts that the quality and quantity of photographs may be jeopardized. In any event, every effort will be made by Mystic Moments Photography, LLC. See personal contract for more details.

Delivery of Products.

Please see individual contract regarding the delivery of your photographs. The standard time for jobs would be up to 2 weeks (14 days). Mystic Moments Photography, LLC will not be held liable to give any form of refund or compensation if editing exceeds the 2 weeks, if affected by uncontrollable factors or emergencies. Clients will under no circumstance, receive unedited or ‘RAW’ files.

Editing Requests

Mystic Moments Photography, LLC provides basic editing techniques and enhancements to all photographs. We do however take editing requests such as adding a person etc. However, since this type of editing is extensive and requires more time on the photo than usual, there will be an additional fee of $10 per editing request.


The Copyright Act of 1976 assigns copyright to Mystic Moments Photography, LLC. You, or any persons may not accept the photographs taken under this contract, or allow copies to be made photographically, electronically or by any other means without the permission of Mystic Moments Photography, LLC. See personal contract for more details.


In the event of cancellation, the following terms apply: the retainer/booking fee is non-refundable. If the shoot/event is postponed then, subject to the availability of Mystic Moments Photography, LLC, all money paid will be applied to the new date. If the cancellation is before 7 days of the session date and the balance has been paid in full, Mystic Moments Photography, LLC will refund full amount paid, excluding the booking fee and Wedding dates. If Mystic Moments Photography, LLC has to cancel this contract for reasons beyond their control (injury, sickness etc.) their liability shall be limited to a full refund of all money paid, excluding retainer/booking fee.

Third Party Suppliers

Any products or services that require third party suppliers, as an example, Nations Photo Lab: shall be deemed as a separate service. Mystic Moments Photography, LLC will not be deemed liable for any delays in delivery, variations in quality, print or finish- despite dealing directly with the Third Party, supplying the services to you, as their customer. Mystic Moments Photography, LLC vow to do our best to maintain consistency of service and resolve any issues that may arise. Whilst every effort will be made to negotiate competitive prices, Mystic Moments Photography, LLC cannot be held responsible for unexpected increases of list prices etc., which will be the responsibility of the client to cover.

Please see personal contracts for more details, or inquire with Mystic Moments Photography, LLC.